In December 2023, the Canadian government announced the family reunification program aimed at bringing family members of Canadians who are currently in Gaza to safety here in Canada. Unfortunately, to date, the program has failed to bring anyone out of Gaza, those who have been able to escape, have had to pay out of pocket.
The Palestinian evacuees and their families in Canada have had to bear the cost of these fees, accommodations in Egypt, airfare to Canada, accommodations in Canada, food, clothing, without any support from the government to date. They are utilizing crowdfunding campaigns, using up any and all savings, and drowning in debt. While the Canadian families may be responsible to sponsor, the burden placed on their shoulders to do everything they can just so their family members can live, is a burden no one should bear alone.
This along with the current assault on Gaza has shaken our community to its core, reminding us that we must come together once again to protect and support our community.
Nisa Foundation and National Zakat Foundation Canada have once again come together to fill this gap and provide support to these families who are simply looking for safety, peace, and freedom. Through our support, we are providing financial assistance and casework to help these families resettle effectively and begin their life anew. If you know someone who needs assistance returning from Gaza to Canada,
please fill out this form.