Nisa Learning

A Healthy Community Begins with Healthy Families.

Become a Healthy Homes Hero!

Make Your Community Safe, Healthier & Stronger

Healthy families are what make a community strong – they give love, support, and a feeling of belonging. We invite you to be one of 500 pioneers who will build these healthy homes and healthy communities with us by contributing $10/month.

“Give to the ones whose door is nearest to you” Prophet Muhammad PBUH (Bukhari)

Join us in creating a future where every home is a place of health, warmth, and strength. Your pledge is more than a donation; it’s an act of love that ripples through generations, shaping the stories of families yet to come.
Will you be one of the 500 to make a difference? Pledge today!

Our Newest Workshop

Raising today’s boys to be men of tomorrow.

To build strong, thriving communities, we need to address the issues that weaken that foundation.

Insha'Allah, with Raising Rijaal, the goal of our 12-week program is to instill values of healthy masculinity, healthy relationships and bystander intervention in high-school male athletes.

Host Raising Rijaal Workshops

Become a Raising Rijaal Advocate!

Nisa Learning is hiring advocates to:
  • Recruit coaches to implement the program within their sports teams
  • Provide training & ongoing support for these coaches
  • Facilitate sessions with designated sports teams and the broader community
Become an Advocate

Book a Workshop

You can host one of the following workshops at your school, workplace, organization, or mosque!

Cultural Safety & Responsiveness:
A training for social services on effectively supporting Muslim clients.

Request Workshop

Domestic Violence in the Muslim Community (DV 101):
Provides an overview for Muslim organizations & community members on what abuse is, signs of abuse, and the Islamic perspective.

Request Workshop

Help the Helpers:
A simplified version of DV 101 available in multiple languages and catered towards newcomers, seniors, and community volunteers.

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Domestic Violence for Educators: Equipping teachers and schools to recognize signs of abuse, respond effectively and educate their students.

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Little Heroes:
Workshops geared towards students from elementary to high school with age-appropriate content on healthy relationships and domestic violence.

Request Workshop

Community Leaders Training:
Engaging with community leaders, religious figures and organizations to work together to address the root causes of abuse.


Get Involved

Join us as a volunteer, facilitator, advocate, ambassador, or community partner by emailing


A world where every individual and family thrives and contributes to a vibrant, united, and flourishing society.


Nisa Learning aims to build healthy families through prevention and educational workshops catered to the different segments of our community.

The Difference We’ve Made Since 2022

There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.― Desmond Tutu

Nisa Learning is Based on Three Core Pillars

Awareness: Raise awareness of partner violence and its causes through campaigns, workshops, and events. Encourage dialogue to challenge harmful societal norms and promote open conversations about healthy relationships.  

Education: Offer resources to help people recognize and prevent partner violence. Conduct workshops to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and build strong relationships.

Prevention: Establish preventive measures with community programs, mentorship, and support networks for vulnerable individuals. Collaborate with schools, community centers, and local organizations to integrate prevention strategies into curricula and initiatives.